"Loose" propagations can be done by making dummy variables in the form of cell references (A1, A2, etc.)
Sheet specified references will be treated separate from implicit.
This system is only good at "math" functions (e.g. tan(), ln(), sqrt()) right now. (no xlookup() or average())
Using my
fork of Deriv
Huge thanks to Hugh O'Reilly's
original repo
to render LaTeX.
Add overall err prop equation sqrt(sum()) with step-by-step evaluation from the placeholder variables
Add hover events to td elements for clipboard interactions
Figure out LaTeX to image to clipboard pathway
Add loading popups to give feedback
Combine all variable settings into one table at top of output
Incorporate error cell setting for each variable.
Fix decimal passing in deriv.
Allow mixing of "$A$5" with "$A5" or "A5" (separate group for sheet-specified).
Allow mixing of "$A$5" with "Sheet4!$A$5" (add check for match neighbors).
Add understanding of propagation for basic functions like AVERAGE(), STDEV(), and LINEST().